Friday, September 28, 2012

Dream Killers

What is a dream killer?  In my opinion a dream killer is someone who never supports the things that I want to do with my life.  I have had dream killers in my life for as long as I can remember.  And they started at home with my siblings and as sad as it is my parents also.

My Daddy killed my dream of wanting to become a doctor by telling me when I was in the 3rd grade he said "you have to be very smart to be a Doctor"  In other words he was telling me that I wasn't smart enough, at least that's the feeling that followed, because he didn't back it up with telling me that I was smart enough. From that point foward as a child and a young adult I stopped believing in my own abilitiy to succeed in things that I wanted for myself.

I guess the reason I'm writing this is to say to anyone that is reading : "Don't Be A Dream Killer"  Support the person in whatever they want to do, do not knock they're dream outta the park before the batter gets up to bat or the pitcher gets up to pitch, don't strike a batter out if he hasn't picked up the bat and please don't ever tell a child that they are not smart enough.

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