What About The Kids
I am a victim of child sexual molestation. It went on for 14 years without anyone knowing about it and without me saying anything to anyone because of shame and guilt. Shame because I didn't say anything the first time it happened and guilt because I felt that I was doing something wrong and bad.In my opinion Jeff Sandusky is guilty and so are a whole lot of other adults that turned there heads like the janitor that says he seen Sandusky performing oral sex with a boy! Well why didn't he say something? Or did he really see this act? Is he just saying he seen it just to get a story in just to get paid in some sort of sick way.
We are talking so much about this pervert Sandusky that we are forgetting about those kids and what it has done to them. The hangups they will have the rest of there lives, they way this will effect them years from now. I can say this because I am a survivor (victim) of some of the same sick nasty acts and because of those things I don't have a normal sexual relationship with my partner.\
This is something these kids will never forget and hopefully they will get the help needed so that they don't violate children or even people in the same way they have been violated. I don't care to talk about that man Sandusky where he is if he is innocent or guilty all I care about is those kids and whats going on in there lives, I understand how hard it is to say something because it happen to me.
I was first molested in the 3rd grade and it lasted until well after I graduated High School. I never said anything, I was never taught that if a man touches me in a way that I don't like to tell. I was only warned about drugs!! Wow It took me years after the abuse stopped for me to come forward, and only because I seen that same man in the store with a woman that had two young daughters.
It's sad but that's what it took for me to say something. I didn't want to see those girls go through what I went through. I don't know what happen, if the lady stayed with him or not, I just know that i did what i had to do by telling her what he did to me and I warned her.
I hope she did the right thing. It was too late for me to take any legal action organist him because it had been too long so hopefully she took action.